Published Translations (selected)
Industrie 4.0: Die Digitalisierung erreicht die Fertigungsbranche (translation from Dutch, 2019)
(Whitepaper of “Halter CNC Automation” about the transformation in the manufacturing industry)
Mansystems – Showcase Radiuz (translation from Dutch, 2019)
(Customer use case for Mansystems, Low-Code platform provider from the Netherlands)
Website Arodo (2018)
(Translation of the company website for Arodo, a provider of packaging machines and solutions for several industries)
Arodo – immer am Puls der Zeit (translation from Dutch, 2018)
(Exemplary translation of a blog article for Arodo Packaging Solutions, regularly since 2018)
DRadio: Change – Wie Daten den Journalismus verändern (Change – How data changes journalism, 2012)
(An essay by the British journalist Simon Rogers (Guardian) about changes taking place in the media, published in 2012 on “” (a forum for Politics, Media and Public Relations in the Digital Age))
Beiträge zur Opferhilfe (Contributions to Victim Assistance, 2010)
( An article by María Cruz Cristóbal of the European Commission, published for a conference about challenges for victim assistance in 2010)
Quotes from Clients
“Hello David, our internal revision showed: a very good translation job!”
– Katrien De Vocht, director of KDV – Language & More
“Mr. Terhart’s translations always met the most stringent demands.”
– Excerpt from the employer reference provided by RWS Language Solutions
“The translation was excellent regarding both the content and the formatting!”
– Feedback regarding the translation of the annual report of a global company
“Dear David, we had your translation reviewed by an independent party and the result was excellent.”
– L. H., Vendor Evaluation Manager
“Thanks a lot David, your help on this job has definitely helped to steer this project in the right direction!”
– Remco Kok, COO Euro-Com International